NPro Windows service v.12.x

Campaign scheduling module

What it is

  • The NPro Windows service is, as the name implies, a utility that you install on a Windows server and runs as a service.
    The service is making requests to a URL that you set with a period you choose.
    So it is not limited to Newsletter Manager Pro but rather it can be used by anyone who is in need of such an app.


  • With Newsletter Manager Pro it enables you to
    • schedule and send your campaigns in the background automatically,
    • set-up auto-responder campaigns,
    • create recurrent campaigns,
    • automate birthday newsletters,
    • set-up follow-up mailings.
  • You may also install it on a different machine than where NPro is installed.
  • The service restarts automatically after server reboot and it has very low server overhead.
  • Also available in a server edition. Suitable for those who have many installations of NPro at the same server.

Host server considerations

  • Consider the NPro Windows service when your Host is not offering any scheduling utilities. Some hosts offer such utilities in their control panel and in case they do you can schedule your campaigns with the core Newsletter Manager Pro package (since v.12).
  • Dedicated servers

  • This is the ideal case. You have your own server and you have full control of what to install.
  • Shared hosting environment

  • Most likely your Host will not agree to install it. In this case consider also that the Windows service can be installed on a different machine than the one you installed Newsletter Manager Pro. Even at your own pc.

The server edition of NPro scheduler

NPro scheduler also comes in a server edition. The features are identical. You can learn more about it here.

Application scenarios

One-time mailings

You want to send a specific newsletter once at a given date/time in the future.
  • You create a new campaign
  • You create a scheduler task for this campaign and define the activation date/time that you want the sending to start
  • You may use the batch sending option (select "Send in batches and repeat until completed". Example: send 1000, wait 1 hour and so on) or not (select the "Send all messages at once" option).

Periodic or recurrent mailings

You regularly send a newsletter to a list. Suppose that you send a weekly newsletter to a list and you want to schedule this campaign.
  • You create a new campaign
  • You create a scheduler task for this campaign and define the activation date/time that you want the sending to start
  • Under recurrence settings, you check the "recurrent event" check box and you say for example: repeat every week. 1/week.
  • You can still use the batch sending option if you need to do so.

Send Birthday newsletters automatically

With Newsletter Manager Pro you can create a custom sign-up form that asks subscribers to enter their birthday. You may also import this info from another database when importing your subscribers. The steps are:
  • Create a birthday newsletter.
  • Create a birthday filter: Menu > Filter+ > Create birthday filter. You can use the same filter any day.
  • Create a new campaign that uses the filter and the newsletter you created.
  • Schedule this campaign and make the task recurrent (to repeat every day).

Automatic follow-ups by date subscribed (auto responders)

This is the classic scenario when a subscriber signs-up for your newsletter and you want to follow-up with ongoing newsletters at specific dates after he subscribed. You can fully automate this process in the following way.
  • Suppose you want to send a newsletter on the 3rd, 5th, 7th day after the day one subscribed.
  • Create 3 newsletters each one for a specific day.
  • Create 3 filters for these days: Menu > Filter+ > Follow-up by date subscribed.
  • Create 3 campaigns that use these newsletters and filters.
  • Schedule these campaigns and make the tasks recurrent (to repeat every day).
  • The scheduler will execute these campaigns daily and it will send the newsletters only to the subscribers that match the filter criterion.
  • Since these tasks are recurrent the scheduler will re-program these to run daily.


  • By scheduling your campaigns you don't have to be in front of your computer. Everything is done in the background.
  • Even if a sending fails or the server is re-started the scheduler will start again and continue the mailing from where it stopped.
  • You can put your periodic campaigns in auto-pilot. You create a periodic scheduler task and then you can work on your newsletter and have it ready just before the sending date.
  • By applying batch settings you can spread the mailing, over a week (days etc) instead of sending all newsletters at once.

Technical details & Requirements

NPro scheduler is built in using 3.5 framework (also available in .net 2.0) and it is a Windows Service application. Source code is not provided. You need framework 3.5 installed (or .net 2.0) on the server where the scheduler will be installed.

Support, Installation & Updates

We can provide a free installation for you using a remote desktop connection.
As with all our solutions you have free support and access to the latest updates for 12 months after your purchase.
NPro Windows service v.12.x
USD 39.00 59.00  € £      Or see more options
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