Newsletter Manager Pro v.12.5

Email campaign management

Key email campaign management features

  • You can create an email campaign to all subscribers or to all mailing lists or to selected lists.
  • You can use mailing filters for further list segmentation.
  • Any newsletter can be used in any campaign.
  • You can send html / text / multipart newsletters or a web page using the URL.
  • You can use different <from-name>, <from-email>, <reply-to-email> for each campaign. Each subscriber gets his own email and sees only his name in the field.
  • You can send in batches.
  • You can pause, edit and resume a running campaign.
  • You can use multiple SMTP servers that rotate with every batch.
  • You can send the campaign manually (window pop-up) or in the background with the scheduler add-on.

Pause, edit and resume a running campaign - Advanced error control

  • Your campaigns management screen always shows the number of emails sent and remaining to be sent.
  • If for any reason you want to make changes to the campaign (edit a newsletter, change settings, resume from an error) you can pause it, edit it and restart it.
  • Newsletter Manager Pro has an error capture system: if the sending process fails (server goes down) or if an error occurs you can see that, take action and resume.
  • The campaigns log is updated telling you why the operation did not finish and where it stopped. You can continue the mailing from it stopped.
  • You receive email alerts in case of errors and when the campaign finishes.

Send in batches - Use multiple SMTP servers with rotation

  • You can setup multiple SMTP servers. When you send in batches these servers will rotate. Which means you can spread the campaign load across many servers.
  • In addition you may use ssl/tls connections and attach custom headers to the SMTP.
  • Sending your email campaigns in batches is the recommended execution way for many reasons:
    Your Host or SMTP provider may restrict the amount of emails we can send in a given time frame. E.g. 500 emails every 15 minutes.
    You can conform to this requirement using batches. For example, you set 500 emails, pause for 15 minutes, resume and then send another 500 and so on.
    When sending manually (window pop-up) Newsletter Manager Pro will do that in a very smart way and without consuming server resources while pausing.
    If for any reason you want to stop the sending then simply close the pop-up window and you can continue the campaign later with a single click from your campaigns management screen.
    This approach works on any shared and dedicated hosting environment without any requirements at all.
    When using the scheduler everything is done in the background. Sending in batches is also a good idea if you do not want to overload the server (both from a processing and bandwidth perspective) and for improving your deliver-ability. Newsletter Manager Pro was the first mailing list management system to introduce this feature.

Send a web page by the URL as a newsletter

  • You can send a full web page that is located on a web server by entering the URL of this page. You may also enter a subject for this newsletter. It is like sending an html newsletter. If you have used smart tags (like #subname# etc.) then the page will be personalized for each subscriber. With this method views and clicks tracking statistics work in exactly the same way when you send an html newsletter.

Send multi-part newsletters

  • A multipart newsletter consists of two parts, an html part and a text part. If the subscriber's email client cannot display html then it will automatically show the text version (part).
  • You have a special "smart link" so when the subscriber sees the text version, he can click it and open the html version in his browser.
  • By sending a multipart newsletter you can ensure that your subscribers will see it properly even if they use an old email program that cannot show html. Our tests have shown that a multipart newsletter is treated better from spam-filtering engines.
New mailing screen
New mailing screen
Campaigns overview
Pausing before the next batch
Batch settings
Send a web page by the URL

Email campaign reporting

All major email campaign metrics are included

At the highest level you will find the summary report:
  • Unique views-clicks: the number of subscribers who either clicked or opened the newsletter.
  • Clicks to views ratio: a key indicator for measuring engagement. Shows what percentage of the subscribers who opened the newsletter clicked at least one link.
  • Unique views (& open-rate ratio): the total number and percentage of subscribers who opened the newsletter at least once.
  • All views: the total number of views including multiple views from the same subscriber. The higher this is indicates more engagement.
  • Unique clicks (& click-through rate): the total number and percentage of subscribers who clicked at least one link in the newsletter.
  • All clicks: all clicks this newsletter received (all hyperlinks, all subscribers, includes multiple clicks).
  • Opt outs (& opt-out rate): how many subscriber opted-out.
  • Forwards: to how many other email accounts this newsletter was forwarded.
At the next level you will see the subscribers under the above metrics.
And then you have a personal subscriber report with all his clicks & opens across all email campaigns, greeting emails and landing pages he visited.

Time-line chart

  • This chart shows daily unique views, clicks and opt-outs and how they evolved over time.
    This report provides good insight about the impact of your email campaign over time.
  • You can have this report for a single campaign or selected campaigns (see aggregate reports).

Email clients chart

  • With this chart you can see what email platforms your subscribers use when opening your newsletters.
  • This is a very interesting report since it provides useful insights on how to optimize your newsletter for mobile vs desktop-based email clients.

Clicked hyperlinks with subscriber details

  • You will see unique and total clicks for every newsletter link. You can also see the subscribers who clicked a particular link.
  • In addition for every hyperlink across all campaigns you can see the total clicks it received.

Custom reports: compare & merge

  • A strong reporting feature of our email campaign software is that enables you to compare selected campaigns.
  • In addition you can see an aggregate statistics report. In other words a merged report from selected campaigns.

List traffic report

  • Shows opt-ins and opt-out since the list was created.

Opt-outs report with opt-out reasons

  • Shows the subscribers who opted-out (for one or all campaigns), the opt-out type (global or form list) and if you use the Provide an opt-out reason feature you can see the reason the subscriber provided. Date/time and IP address are recorded as well.
Summary report
Views tracking report
Clicks tracking report
Clicks tracking report by link
Subscriber tracking report
Email campaign reports enable you to take further action
You can create follow-up email campaigns and follow-up lists.

Follow-up campaigns and follow-up lists

  • A unique email marketing feature in our software is that you can create a follow-up campaign based on subscriber views and clicks behavior. With a couple of clicks you can create a new campaign that will target only subscribers who opened (or not) a newsletter, clicked (or not) a specific link (and more).
  • With these features you can focus your marketing effort on highly-qualified prospects and you can also follow up with the subscribers who were not responsive.
  • Follow-up lists: with a couple of clicks you create a new mailing list that contains the subscribers who opened / clicked or not (and more). The original list remains intact.
Campaign follow-up
Follow-up list

Segmentation using mailing filters

You can perform advanced searches on subscribers using any of their available data. You can preview and export the results to Excel, create filtered lists (sub-lists) based on the search results and create filters that you can save, refine and use in your mailings. In the online help of Newsletter Manager Pro you will find tips about using this feature. You can see a list of all your filters and make changes to them.

Birthday newsletters

With Newsletter Manager Pro you can capture (or import) your subscribers birth day and month. You can create a birthday filter, a "Happy birthday" newsletter and make a new mailing activity that uses them. By applying the birthday filter the mailing will go only to the matching subscribers. Going a step further, you can use the NPro Scheduler to have "Happy birthday" emails sent out automatically every day.

Follow-up by subscription day

With this feature you can implement the classic scenario of following up with your subscribers on specific days after they subscribed by emailing them a different newsletter on every day. With the NPro Scheduler you can have these mailings executed automatically.

Some other examples

You can find and create sub-lists or filters for subscribers who:
- Come from a specific country and subscribed after a certain date
- Have a specific zip code
- Have not updated their account since a given date
- Work in the same company
- Exclude from a mailing subscribers who bounced
and much more...
Using filters you can also do A/B split list testing. You will find details in the user's guide.
Filters menu
Filters menu
Create new filter
Advanced search results
Auto-responder filter
Newsletter Manager Pro v.12.5
USD 69.00 92.00  € £      Or see more options
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