NPro Bounce Manager v.12.x

Manage email bounces

What Bounce Manager does

The Bounced emails Manager can find emails that bounce (also known as undeliverable or returned emails), extract the subscriber details and update the subscriber account.
You can then remove from your mailing lists these subscribers.

Soft vs hard email bounces

  • Think of soft as temporary failure and hard as permanent.
  • Sometimes even a valid email may temporarily produce a soft bounce.

What you need in order to use it

The Bounce Manager component is an add-on for Newsletter Manager Pro. You need Newsletter Manager Pro and one of these 3rd party components: Chilkat Email ActiveX (provided by us at no additional cost) or AspPOP3 or w3JMail v.4.4/4.5 professional or DynuPOP3. For more details see the requirements.


  • Detects soft, hard bounces and autoresponders.
  • Configurable rules: if needed you can change the rules that classify a bounced email as hard or soft. You can also add more rules.
  • Multi-language: this is very useful when the mail server does not include the RFC response code (e.g. 4.1.1, 5.7.0 etc.) but rather a general error description in your language.
  • List clean-up utilities (see Pick 3):
    - You can delete subscribers whose emails bounced (soft or hard) more than X times.
    - Or you can set them as un-confirmed.
    - Or add them to the suppression list.

Benefits of processing bounced emails

  • Improved deliverability: ISPs do not like to receive emails that will bounce. Therefore you minimize the chances of having your IP or email getting blacklisted and thus having your newsletters rejected as spam.
  • By removing subscribers whose email addresses bounced you maintain a clean mailing list. You will get less bounces in the next mailing.
  • Your tracking reports become more accurate.
  • The sending process becomes faster and more efficient.


Using Bounce Manager is very simple. You will receive a few files to place in your existing installation of Newsletter Manager Pro and you will see a new menu in your Tools page (Pick 3).
When you click on "Process bounced emails" the scanning of your mailbox will start. At the end you will see how many emails were found and how many were identified as soft or hard bounces (Pick 1).
Pick 1.One click processing and clear reporting
Pick 2.Easy subscriber removal
Pick 3. bounceManager menu

Technical requirements

The bounce manager needs external components for opening and reading a mailbox. Knows as Pop3 modules. Such as:
  • Chilkat Email ActiveX. This component is included in your package.
  • w3JMail v 4.4/4.5 professional edition (or higher) by Dimac Development.
  • AspPOP3 by ServerObjects Inc.
  • DynuPOP3 by Dynu Systems Inc.
Since DesignerFreeSolutions provides the Chilkat Email Active X component you should ask your host whether they will allow you to install it.
If you have your own dedicated server then you can install it without a problem.
These components are widely popular among hosting companies. Therefore it is quite likely that they are already installed on your server. You can ask your host about them but you can also check if they are installed directly from your Newsletter Manager Pro administration panel (Menu>Add-ons>Bounce manager).


We will help you install and fine-tune (if needed) the component for free. A User's guide is included in the package you will receive.
NPro Bounce Manager v.12.x
USD 29.00 39.00  € £      Or see more options
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